
Presentation of PCG analytics during the University CFOs Conference

PCG presented its data analytics solutions during the XVII Conference of Strategic Management for University CFOs organized by the Polish Rectors Foundation, between 29th of May and 1st of June, 2016 in Olsztyn. PCG was represented by Piotr Dmochowski‑Lipski (President of the Management Board at PCG Polska), Leszek Lewoc (President of the Management Board at Partners in Progress) and Lukasz Nowak (Head of Higher Education Unit).

The presentation was focused on specialized analytical solutions offered by PCG to universities in the area of effective student enrollment and retention. PCG presented our unique approach to the analysis of student entry‑level educational potential and leveraging this information in the context of optimizing university enrollments. PCG also presented a beta version of a web‑based search engine allowing to locate specific high schools providing candidates who meet individually defined enrollment criteria of the university.

PCG is a strategic partner of the Polish Rectors Foundation. On 9th of May 2016 PCG and FRP initiated the first Pilot project in Poland with the group of 10 renowned Polish universities, with the goal of testing the effectiveness of the analytical solutions proposed by PCG.